kikulu - online handmade and vintage jewellery shop
12th March 2019jewellery,Jewellery,online shop,handmade jewelleryvintage jewellery
I have recently set up the kikulu - online handmade and vintage jewellery shop…
Literary postcards
12th May 2018Art,Textilesembroidery,literary postcards
I have been sewing on photos and paper recently as a break from my big…
International women's day
22nd March 2018brooch,pendant,jewellery,Textiles,crewel,embroidery,figurative embroidery,freedom is fragile,project,feminism,womenautism
Freedom is fragile pendants and brooches To celebrate International…
Coloured Whitework lion embroidery
22nd March 2018Textilesneedlework,crewel,whitework,embroidery,zendoodle,lion,coloured whitework
I have already shared a post on my first whitework embroidery which was from a…
Freedom to dance
9th February 2018Textilescrewel,embroidery,figurative embroidery,freedom is fragile,project,feminism,women,autism
This an update about my progress with the embroidery element of my wider…
Exploring texture and pattern course
2nd February 2018Art,Textilesmordred,bayeux stitch,course,exploring texture and patterns,medieval embroidery
Starting the ‘Exploring texture and pattern course’ I really want…
Owl embroidery
31st January 2018Textileswhitework,embroidery,coloured whitework,owl,process,stitches,padded satin stitch
My dad was visiting and I showed him some of my embroidery. He is not a big fan…
Freedom is fragile
8th September 2017autism,photography,self portraits,People,Photography,Textiles,embroidery,figurative embroidery,freedom is fragileproject,feminism,women
In 1970 Germaine Greer said in her book The female eunuch – Freedom is…